German Red Cross Poster 01 | Portfolio Ad Agency Berlin

Deutsches Rotes Kreuz | German Red Cross

Blood donation unites

German Red Cross Ribbons | Portfolio Ad Agency Berlin

Image campaign

More than a good deed

Each blood donation tells a story which connects people. SALZ recounts such stories - with its image campaign for the DRK blood donation services in Baden-Württemberg and North-East. SALZ developed the project all along, from an interactive campaign website to a streamlined poster concept.

German Red Cross Website | Portfolio Ad Agency Berlin

The red ribbon was handed out as a give-away to many blood donor dates. Tape wrapping, fotographing and uploading on the campaign website - that is how easily the blood donors could show their literal bond. Afterwards, participants are encouraged to share the content on their own social media channels.

German Red Cross Leaflets | Portfolio Ad Agency Berlin
German Red Cross Poster 02 | Portfolio Ad Agency Berlin
German Red Cross Roll-Up | Portfolio Ad Agency Berlin