SALZ is a owner-operated agency with high standards and flat hierarchies. With much space for outstanding and idiosyncratic ideas. SALZ gives everyone enough space to implement own ideas, to inspire colleagues and to set new standards.
But this also means: there's no space for impostors, followers or spivs. SALZ is looking for people who go ahead.
Conditions: Fair payment, cold and hot drinks, regular work time / compensatory time-off.
Our very firm job application rules
***Please have a look at our german site for current job oportunities at SALZ.***
You've kept all your primary school reports and dusted off your Sports Day trophies? You were school representative of your year in Grade 6? Congratulations! Your family must be really proud of you. We wouldn't know or care.
What we would like to know is: Who are you today? What defines your abilities now? Why should Salz make room for you?
Please only send the following, and only per email if you'd be so kind:
Your path to Salz, be it for employment, freelance work or a traineeship, starts like this:
Send your application per email to bewerbung(at)
That email will ideally contain a few samples of your work demonstrating what you can deliver. Any PDF attachments should ideally be no larger than 5 MB. We might even click on a hyperlink if we feel like it.
What we are trying to say is: If you cold-call us about applying, to tell us how fantastic we are and how incredibly fantastic our agency is and that you think it's all so totally great that you would like to start sorting our archiving system tomorrow, then the only answer you'll hear from us will be a rhythmic 440 Hz. Something similar applies to applications sent by snail-mail, we do not accept liability and will only return them if you've included a stamped, self-addressed envelope.
Sounds complicated and nasty, right? But it's actually really sweet and simple.
And if you can read, you're already one step ahead anyway.
We look forward to receiving your application!
The real life is more interesting than a résumé. SALZ does not care about awards and honors nobody has ever heard of. Better show SALZ your wonderful, unique, distinctive self. Who are you? What are your abilities? What are you up to? Why SALZ?
The first step is an e-Mail at:
That e-Mail best entails a precise description of your outstanding qualifications. Documented by some work samples, so SALZ can believe in you. And yes, SALZ is looking forward to read your résumé, too. Add some words regarding your expectations of working with SALZ. And last but not least: campaigns that made you smile or sob, websites you like to browse and designs you repeatedly like to look at. Books, tunes, plays, images, nonsense - show SALZ your secret sources of inspiration and dumbfound SALZ!
Attachments no larger than 5 MB. We do click hyperlink.